Elevate Your Influence With Expert Reputation Management Designed for Executive Leaders

Unlock your full leadership potential with our expert reputation management framework, ‘Rise to Recognition’. Our programs are tailored specifically for executives and our approach is designed to break down barriers and elevate your influence with ease, showcasing your unique strengths as an industry leader.

20+ Years

Reputation Building Experience


Businesses & Individuals Helped


Media Placements Secured

We’ve got executive leaders featured in places like:

We’ve Elevated Reputations Of Clients Like:

With Recognition In High Profile Media Like:

Struggling To Make Your Mark and Build Credible Reputation As An Executive Leader

You know that an expert, visible profile will help you grow your business or fast-track your career, but you’re invisible other than the people and clients you work with and your direct network (who all admire you deeply, but aren’t going to get you the results you’re looking for) . It’s a common problem I see when clients first come to me – they have the expertise and vision to elevate their visibility, but they struggle with how to position themselves and they want to get it right from the start.

If you’re not actively shaping your personal brand and thought leadership now, you may be missing crucial opportunities for growth.

Building a reputation that positions you as a thought leader is actually easier than you think. If you’re answering ‘YES’ to any of these questions, I can help…

  • Overshadowed by other leaders in the space, despite your superior expertise  and valuable contribution to your industry?
  • Are you finding it tough to carve out your own space in a saturated market?
  • Is finding the time and resources for reputation building a challenge?
  • Do you have decades of experience behind you, so you want to get your visibility right from the start, positioning yourself as an authority and avoiding embarrassing mistakes?
  • Are you unsure how to effectively use social media and online platforms to enhance your reputation?
  • Do you lack a clear strategy for developing your reputation and you’re unsure how to incorporate  thought leadership?
  • Have you had a negative experience with the media or in public previously and you don’t want to make the same mistake twice? 
  • Does the idea of building a high-profile reputation seem overwhelming, leaving you unsure where to begin?

The past decade  has transformed how leaders engage with their industry and audience. It’s about sharing your expertise and leadership lessons with authority and credibility in a way that feels authentic to you. It’s about owning a space and providing value that resonates with your audience.

Let me guide you on this journey, leveraging modern PR tactics to elevate your presence from a well-respected executive to an influential thought leader in your industry.

Jane Bloggs

Business name or Job title or relevant title, e.g. Busy Mum of 2

Testimonial outtake that captures people’s attention and makes them want to read.

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Personalised Advisory Over Generalisation

Unlike large PR firms, our approach is deeply personalised. We focus on understanding your unique story, ensuring that you receive dedicated attention from a senior strategist and a reputation program that aligns with your specific goals.

Strategically Targeted

We believe in a highly targeted approach. It’s about pinpointing the most effective channels and crafting messages that resonate deeply with your audience, ensuring more impact for your budget.

Multi-Platform, Modern Strategies

Moving beyond the confines of traditional media, we integrate social media, digital content, speaking engagements and profiling opportunities into your strategy. This approach connects you with your audience in a more meaningful and engaging way.

Personalised Messaging & Content Creation

We use a tailored approach to ensure your messaging and content aligns perfectly with your voice, maintaining consistency and authenticity. We also ensure your content and messaging ‘owns a space’, setting you apart from your competitors.

CEO-Level Communication and Proactivity

Our communication is of the highest calibre, mirroring CEO quality and responsiveness. This commitment to excellence means you can trust that your reputation and brand are being managed with the utmost professionalism, discretion and care.

High-Level Visibility

We’ll provide a ladder to reach media relationships and profile-building opportunities that are usually exclusive to industry giants, giving you unparalleled reach and influence. As recognised experts, you’ll get consistent interviews and speaking opportunities.



With more than 20 years experience elevating the credible visibility of leaders, I’ve created a unique approach to personal reputation management that delivers exceptional results fast.

We Overcome Obstacles So You Get Results 

We’ll pinpoint the white space in your industry and eliminate the obstacles that stand between you and credible visibility.

Personalised Messaging & Content Creation

We use a tailored approach to ensure your messaging and content aligns perfectly with your voice and values, ensuring your visibility is done with authority and authenticity.

High-Level Visibility

We’ll provide a ladder to reach media relationships and profile-building opportunities that are usually exclusive to industry giants, giving you unparalleled reach and influence.

Exceptional Outcomes

As a boutique PR consultancy we deliver bespoke reputation management strategies built on my 20+ years experience, ensuring you get premium value without the ‘industry giant’ budget.

Why Our Process Works

Our Guaranteed “Rise To Recognition” Approach

Over the past 20+ years, I’ve crafted a process designed to get you from your industry’s best kept secret to a renowned industry leader quickly and efficiently.

Barrier Breakthrough

We’ll unlock your business’s full potential by pinpointing and overcoming key barriers to reputation growth. From navigating time and budget constraints to storytelling challenges, we’ll craft a customised roadmap to effortlessly clear these obstacles.

Leadership Identity Workshop

We’ll collaboratively discover and hone your business’s unique position. In this workshop, we’ll uncover your core strengths and areas of expertise, aligning them with your reputation goals to ensure your message is perfect for your audience.

Industry “White-space” Discovery

We conduct specialised research to find untapped opportunities in your sector. Identifying ‘white spaces’ where competition is sparse, we’ll guide you to establish a commanding presence, focusing on topics and platforms where your brand can build visibility and authority fast.

Reputation Ready Kit

We’ll equip your business with a comprehensive toolkit for building a robust reputation. This includes custom messaging, spokesperson bios, full press office and digital profiles, complemented with comprehensive media lists and engagement techniques for optimal visibility.

12-Month Visibility Support System

We’ll provide a detailed, year-long visibility strategy tailored to your platforms of choice, offering support for its authoritative implementation. Regular assessments and strategic refinements will ensure your business remains on a steady path to achieving and surpassing its reputation objectives.

Want to elevate above the noise and create a reputation that sets you apart as a leader in your industry?

If you are your industry’s best kept secret, let’s change that.

Schedule a free consultation with me, and I’ll offer actionable steps to elevate your reputation.

Hi, I’m Angela Cross

Founder of pilot PR

Over the past 20+ years, I’ve been deeply immersed in the world of corporate PR and crisis management, guiding more than 200 multinational businesses and leaders in carving out their unique place in the market.

My journey led me to establish pilot-PR in 2013, a venture born out of my passion for leveraging reputation as a key business asset, and nurturing the growth and influence of executive leaders to elevate your personal and professional trajectory. 

At pilot-PR, our focus is on leaders who are on the cusp of being industry leaders but haven’t yet claimed their rightful place as authorities. My talent lies in seamlessly integrating corporate PR with executive profiling and thought leadership to make their reputation a tangible asset that delivers results. This unique blend is enhanced by the dynamic world of editorial and social media, ensuring your voice is heard across all the right platforms.

To me, reputation is not just about visibility – It’s about crafting a strategy that resonates with your authentic self and leadership style. This approach ensures that your reputation strategy is not only authentic and sustainable, but also positions you distinctly, as a competitive edge.

We’ve helped brands and  executives become industry leaders. 

Frequently asked questions

We specialise in offering high-impact visibility solutions at a fraction of the cost of a full-time communications manager. Our targeted approach is designed to maximise your investment, ensuring you get top-tier results via expert CEO-level guidance without the hefty price tag.

Bigger budgets don’t always mean better results. Our strategy focuses on smart, effective use of your resources, ensuring your visibility and impact in the right areas match or even exceed those of your competitors, regardless of their budget.

Yes, it’s feasible. We understand that time is a valuable asset, and our role is to work efficiently as an extension of you and your team. While some involvement from your end is necessary, we tailor our support to fit seamlessly into your business operations, minimising the time input required from your end.

The timeline for seeing tangible results can vary based on your specific needs and the market dynamics of your industry. However, many clients experience a positive shift in their brand’s visibility and reputation within the first 30-days of our collaboration. We aim for quick wins initially while laying the groundwork for sustained long-term success via a robust strategy. Our approach is designed to build momentum steadily, ensuring that your brand gains traction and recognition progressively.

Our role is to guide and support you in navigating the public relations landscape confidently. We understand the importance of maintaining a professional image and are here to help you avoid any potential missteps, ensuring your public relations efforts are flawless.

Our approach differs significantly from traditional PR methods. I use a highly targeted multi-platform strategy to build your visibility and create impact. Our service is like having an in-house communications director – dedicated, strategic, and tailored to your specific business needs.

We understand your concerns, but rest assured, our track record speaks for itself. We’ve successfully elevated the profiles of more than 200 businesses by breaking through barriers and crafting bespoke visibility strategies. Our methods are proven, and we’re confident we can achieve results for your business too.

We work with you to find the deeper ‘why’ behind your desire to build a personal brand and identify how you can add value to the right audience that will help you grow your business. This process ensures that your efforts in reputation management align with your values and goals, making the process feel authentic and purposeful, not self-promotional.

Still have questions?

If you can’t find an answer to your question in our FAQ, you can always contact us and we will be with you shortly.

Start Becoming a Thought Leader Today

It’s time to become known and appreciated for your insights and expertise, and to elevate your presence.